This Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared to address the specific requirements of the relevant conditions attached to Section 36 Consent and Marine Licenses issued to Kincardine Floating Offshore Windfarm Limited (KOWL).
The overall objective of the EMP is to provide the overarching framework for environmental management and monitoring during the construction and operation of the Kincardine Offshore Floating Windfarm (the Project).
The EMP is designed to provide practical guidance to those involved in the Project, including KOWL personnel and contractors on the management of potential environmental impacts associated with the construction and the operation of the Windfarm.
All KOWL personnel and contractors involved in the Project must comply, as a minimum, with the mitigation and management measures and procedures presented in this EMP. The S36 Consent and Marine Licenses contain a variety of conditions that must be discharged through approval by the Scottish Ministers/Licensing Authority prior to the commencement of any offshore construction works. One such requirement is the approval of an EMP, the purpose of which is to provide the over-arching framework for on-site environmental management and monitoring plan during the construction and operation of the Development (but excluding decommissioning). The relevant conditions setting out the requirement for an EMP for approval, and which are to be discharged by this EMP, are presented throughout the document in the appropriate sections. Note a separate document will be produced to cover the environmental monitoring requirements, the Project Environmental Monitoring Plan (PEMP).
This plan is owned by the Project Manager and summarises the method which KOWL will use to achieve the critical success factors for sustainability and the environment. As far as is reasonably practicable, KOWL aims to eliminate the risk of adverse environmental events and to undertake business in a sustainable manner. The EMP will form the basis for assessing the effectiveness or otherwise of any Risk Assessment Method Statement (RAMS) produced by sub-contractors in addressing environmental issues.
The EMP is a live document and will be regularly reviewed and updated as the Project progresses.
The arrangements for disseminating Environment information is set out in Section 6 of the EMP. This will be undertaken with due regard to the requirements of the client and key stakeholders.