Prince Edward Island Energy Corporation (“PEIEC”) proposes to develop and operate a 30 megawatt (MW) wind farm. The Hermanville/Clearspring 30 MW Wind Farm, hereafter referred to as the “Project”, would be located between Clearspring and Hermanville, near the northeastern tip of the province of Prince Edward Island (PEI). The Study Area consists of approximately 4.5 kilometres (km) along Northside Road (Route 16) between New Zealand Road and Souris Line Road; 3 km along New Zealand Road from Northside Road, 2 km along Souris Line Road from Northside Road and 4.4 km along the southern boundary. The Study Area has been used in the past and currently for forestry purposes. The main stem of the proposed transmission line will be located along the eastern boundary of Souris Line Road between Northside Road and Grant Road.
The Study Area has minimal residential development around its perimeter and can meet the Provincial requirements of a setback four (4) times the height of the turbine from any residential development. Along Souris Line Road, the proposed transmission line will run adjacent to six (6) residential properties. Approximately 20 km east of the Project is the East Point Wind Farm which currently operates ten (10) wind turbines and was also developed by PEIEC.
The proposed Project implementation will begin Spring 2013, with operations to begin in late fall 2013. The Project will consist of erecting ten (10) wind turbines, each capable of producing 3 MW for a total nameplate production of 30 MW; a meteorological mast; a buried and/or overhead electrical collector system; single phase power line for the substation, substation; service building, 138 kilovolt (kV) transmission line between the substation and existing T-12 transmission line; as well as access roads to each turbine, substation and service building. Key environmental features identified within the Study Area are watercourses, wetlands, avian fauna (birds and bats) as well as identified floral Species-at-Risk. The operational life of this Project’s assets is expected to be twenty-five (25) years, at which time the assets will have to be replaced or decommissioned.
The goal of the Project is to allow PEIEC to fulfil its directive to develop another 30 MW of wind power for domestic consumption by 2013 as stated in the PEI Energy Accord. Direct, measurable benefits of the Project to the Province and Canada will include:
• reduced emissions, thereby contributing to Canada’s objective of reducing national total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 17% from 2005 levels by the year 2020; • enabling the Province to generate approximately 30% of its electricity from renewable power; • lowered dependence on imports of electricity to the Province; • more stabilized electricity costs within the Province; and • economic development benefits to the local area.
This report addresses the environmental effects of the construction, operation and decommissioning project phases. The information reviewed and field studies have shown that no significant adverse residual impacts on the valued environmental components (VECs) are likely. The generation of electricity from renewable resources such as wind is in accordance with federal and provincial strategies, since it contributes to the reduction of GHG emissions and air pollutants. The Hermanville/Clearspring 30 MW Wind Farm, once approved, would contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions required to meet Canada’s and the Province of PEI’s targets.