The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy hereby presents a Bill for an Act on offshore renewable energy production and a strategy for developing industry and energy resources related to offshore-based renewable energy.
When the Storting considered Report no 34 (2006-2007) on Norwegian climate policy, the government parties were in agreement with the Conservatives, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals that a national strategy should be established for electricity generation from offshore wind turbines and other marine renewable energy sources. This agreement (the climate compromise) established that such a strategy must:
- consider the need for special research efforts and assess the establishment of a dedicated centre for research-driven innovation in this area
- review necessary changes to the law in order to be able to award licences
- consider the installation of offshore wind tur bines in relation to the transmission of power from shore to petroleum installations on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) and carry out an assessment of sites for future facilities which takes account of the fisheries, the marine environment and other industries.
This proposition includes a Bill for an Act on offshore renewable energy production. The Bill provides the legal framework for issuing licences and otherwise regulating conditions related to planning, constructing, operating and removing facilities for producing renewable energy and for transforming and transmitting electricity at sea.
The Bill is based on area assessments with associated procedures for impact assessments.
The Bill, with comments, responses from public consultation and other preliminary legislative work, is presented in part II of the proposition.
Part I of the proposition deals with the other elements of a national strategy in accordance with the climate compromise.
This part details the technological and other challenges associated with the future development of offshore renewable energy and how the Ministry is following these up. See point 1 above. This item in the climate compromise has been implemented by establishing three research centres for environment-friendly energy (FME), which are relevant for offshore renewable energy production.
Possible locations for wind power development in Norwegian sea areas are also discussed. An explanation is provided of how the Ministry intends to proceed in clarifying this aspect in more detail. See point 3 above.
In addition, various aspects related to the infrastructure for offshore electricity generation are discussed.
Part I of the proposition has not been the subject of public consultation.