The publication of Eurobats guidance for onshore wind farms (Rodrigues et al. 2008) has led to a wider awareness of the potential impacts of these developments on bats. this has culminated in the development of the current Natural England (NE) interim guidance (Mitchell-Jones and Carlin 2009). this guidance, adopted by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW), has led to the requirement for stringent surveys and assessments for any wind farm proposal before planning consent can be granted by planning authorities and government ministers. However, unlike birds, where detailed pre-construction survey and post-construction monitoring guidance is available, there is no methodological wind farm specific guidance for bats (Anon 2005, Anon 2009). It is hoped that this article will contribute towards developing national survey and post-construction monitoring methodology appropriate to all proposed and consented onshore wind farms.