EDP Renewables North America is developing of the Arkwright Summit Wind Farm (Project) in Chautauqua County, New York. In 2015, EDP Renewables North America contracted Western Ecosystems Technology, Inc. to conduct acoustic bat and mist-net surveys at the Project. The main objectives of the summer bat surveys were to: 1) to determine the summer presence/probable absence of the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) in areas potentially affected by construction activity and operation of the facility; and 2) determine sites where follow-up mistnetting for NLEB should be conducted.
Following the 2015 Indiana Bat summer survey guidance, the level of effort for acoustic surveys is to be determined as one survey station within each approximate 1-km segment containing suitable forest habitat blocks along linear survey area. US Fish and Wildlife Service defines suitable habitat for NLEB as any forest (e.g., deciduous, coniferous, mixed) or forested landscape feature (e.g., woody wetlands, forested riparian areas, shelterbelts. Desktop landuse/land-cover habitat assessment determined that the Project linear survey area in New York required 35 survey locations (27 of which were located within the Project and eight along the proposed transmission line route). If NLEB were positively detected at any of the acoustic survey sites then follow up mist-net surveys were conducted in the approximate location of the acoustic site. Presence/probable absence follow up mist-net surveys were conducted at one of the 35 acoustic sites.
Based on habitat assessment and US Fish and Wildlife Service recommendations, bat surveys were conducted at 36 sites. Acoustic presence/probable absence surveys were conducted at 35 sites with sampling occurring during 103 detector nights. NLEB echolocation calls were identified at one of the 35 acoustic sites. Follow up mist-net surveys were conducted at the one positive acoustic site in order to capture NLEB, and potentially conduct telemetry surveys, and locate roost trees used by this species if possible. Bat survey methods and the survey locations were provided to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Qualitative review confirmed NLEB at one site (2.9%). NLEB are considered to be likely absent from 34 of 35 sites (97.1%).
Mist-net surveys were completed at the site on August 11 and August 12, 2015. A total of three bats (two eastern reds and one big brown bat) were capture. No NLEB were captured during 2015 mist-net surveys.