South African National Biodiversity Institute
The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) leads and coordinates research, and monitors and reports on the state of biodiversity in South Africa. The institute was established on 1 September 2004 through the signing into force of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 by then President Thabo Mbeki to provide knowledge and information, to give planning and policy advice and to pilot best-practice management models in partnership with stakeholders. SANBI engages in ecosystem restoration and rehabilitation, leads the human capital development strategy of the sector and manages the National Botanical Gardens as ‘windows’ to South Africa’s biodiversity for enjoyment and education. Knowledge of biodiversity leads to better understanding, to better management, and thus to better conservation and protection of our biological resources. SANBI is a dedicated national biodiversity institution that bridges science, knowledge, policy and implementation – a unique entity considered to be global best practice.