The series of World Renewable Energy Congresses (WRECs) are organized by the World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) affiliated with UNESCO. WREC 2011 will focus on future trends and applications in renewable energy technologies and sustainable development, including issues regarding: climate change; policy; photovoltaic technology; solar thermal; wind; energy end-use efficiency; bioenergy; geothermal; hydropower; sustainable transport; sustainable cities and regions; low-energy architecture; and industrial energy efficiency.
Event Documents
The following is a list of papers and presentations produced by this event.
Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
Impact of Tidal Stream Turbines on Sand Bank Dynamics | Neill, S., Jordan, J., Couch, S. | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport |
Displaying 1 results