June 25, 2018 17:00 - 18:00 UTC (9:00 am PDT/12:00 pm EDT/ 5:00 pm BST)
Tethys is an online knowledge management system that provides comprehensive information on the environmental effects of wind (both land-based and offshore) and marine renewable energy with the goal of advancing the industry in an environmentally-responsible manner. Since the official launch in 2012, Tethys has established an international reputation around the collection and synthesis of environmental information, all made publicly available. This webinar will showcase the content and resources available on Tethys.
The presentation for the webinar is available here.
Jonathan Whiting, P.E., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Jonathan Whiting is a Environmental Engineer with PNNL and has worked on the environmental effects of wind and marine renewable energy for over six years, managing Tethys website development, organizing content collection, and supporting WREN activities.
A video of this webinar is available here: