In some cases, alternatives to traditional compensation measures may provide significant conservation value. Examples include conservation actions that occur outside the region of the potential impact and funding research as a means of compensation. This webinar will explore outside-the-box ideas, examples of successful compensation alternatives, and situations in which innovative conservation actions may be necessary. Expert stakeholders will discuss the tradeoffs of implementing alternative compensation measures and when these may or may not be appropriate.
Moderator: Shilo Felton, REWI
- Matt Palumbo (New York Department of Environmental Conservation)
- Goni Iskali (Apex Clean Energy)
- Jérôme Lemaître (Government of Quebec, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs)
- Taber Allison (Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute)
This webinar is a part of the Compensatory Mitigation for Land-Based Wind Energy series co-hosted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute. This series is focused on the third step, compensatory mitigation, in the context of wind energy development. This four-part webinar series will introduce regulations that influence compensatory mitigation for wind energy projects and explore real-world examples of how compensatory mitigation is applied in practice.
Past Events
- REWI/NREL Compensatory Mitigation Webinar Series: Compensatory Mitigation Webinar 3: Grouse Management and Conservation, Online, 20 October 2023 18:00-19:00 UTC
- REWI/NREL Compensatory Mitigation Webinar Series: Compensatory Mitigation Webinar 2: Funding Mechanisms, Online, 2 October 2023 20:00-21:00 UTC
- REWI/NREL Compensatory Mitigation Webinar Series: Compensatory Mitigation Webinar 1: Regulatory Landscape, Online, 13 September 2023 19:00-20:00 UTC