Potential Interactions of Marine Renewables and Seabirds — Strategic Research for Scotland
Marine Scotland’s ScotMER programme is supporting the Scottish Government’s ambitions for sustainable offshore renewable energy developments in Scotland’s seas. The First ScotMER symposium focuses on Scotland’s seabird species and will showcase recent research and new methods being developed to understand the potential interactions between marine renewables and seabirds.
This one day event will be an opportunity to learn about:
- The Scottish Marine Energy Research Programme (ScotMER)
- Collision Risk Modelling
- Use of LiDAR technology to measure seabird flight heights
- Stochastic collision risk modelling
- Thanet research
- Disturbance and displacement
- Short term disturbance of waterbirds
- Displacement on breeding sea birds
- Diving behaviour of seabirds
- Non breeding season movements of seabirds
- Population modelling to estimate consequences from marine renewables
This ScotMER symposium, held in Edinburgh, will welcome stakeholders from industry, government, nature conservation bodies, and academia, providing an excellent forum to discuss current and future seabird research and the work of ScotMER.
For further information please contact Tom Evans tom.evans@gov.scot +44 (0)131 24 42028