Bluepoint Wind is an offshore wind partnership between Ocean Winds (OW) and Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) in the early stages of development. It is located off the coast of New Jersey and New York. Bluepoint Wind’s goal is to responsibly develop an offshore wind farm with an installed capacity of 1,700 MW which would be capable of powering up to 900,000 homes.
Bluepoint Wind will be located 70 km off the New York coast and 98 km off the New Jersey coast and will consist of a lease area of 289 square km.
Licensing Information
- February 2023: Incidental Take Authorization from NOAA for Marine Site Characterization Surveys off New York and New Jersey in the New York Bight
Project Timeline
November 2022: Bluepoint Wind Submitted its Fisheries Communications Plan (FCP)
September 2022: Ocean Wind East Announces Name of New York Bight Project as Bluepoint Wind
February 2022: Ocean Wind East Awarded Lease Area in New York Bight Offshore Wind Energy Auction
Metadata Documents
Environmental Papers and Reports
- Bluepoint Wind: Fisheries Communications Plan (FCP) (Sea Risk Solutions 2022)
- Commercial and Research Wind Lease and Grant Issuance and Site Assessment Activities on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf of the New York Bight Final Environmental Assessment (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) 2021)
Environmental Monitoring: Bluepoint Wind
Phase | Stressor & Receptor | Design and Methods | Results | Publications | Data |
Baseline | Physical Environment | Geophysical Surveys Multiple vessels will conduct geophysical surveys in the Bluepoint Wind lease area starting in March 2023 through September 2023. Geophysical surveys will be used to characterize the seafloor and sub-bottom features using acoustic and magnetic technologies that use sound to chart the seabed, sub-seabed, and magnetic anomalies. | Complete Data collected indicated that the area surveyed were composed of soft-bottom substrata that were predominately firm sands and occupied by diverse benthic biotic communities. The primary biotic community was Echinocardium bed. No sensitive habitats were observed. | No data publicly available |
Baseline | Physical Environment | Benthic Surveys From June to August 2017, NYSERDA conducted multibeam echosounder and benthic (sediment profile imaging/plan view) surveys on the NY Bight. | Complete Most prevalent bedforms observed across the survey area were sand waves, sand bars, and ripples. Surface sediments were generally firm, fine, and medium sands. | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) 2021, INSPIRE Environmental 2017 | No data publicly available |
Baseline | Physical Environment | Site characterization surveys, high-resolution geophysical surveys Surveys would likely begin within one year following the execution of the lease and continue on an intermittent basis for the following five years leading up to the preparation and submittal of the construction and operations plan. Would survey the entire proposed lease area during the five-year site assessment term to collect required geophysical and geotechnical information for siting of commercial facilities. Sub-bottom sampling at every potential wind turbine location. | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) 2021 | No data publicly available |
Baseline | Birds | Avian surveys To conduct visual avian surveys from a boat on a monthly basis for two to three years. Plane-based aerial avian surveys to be conducted two days per month for two to three years. | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) 2021 | No data publicly available |
Baseline | Bats | Bat survey Ultrasonic detectors installed on survey vessels will be used for biological surveys. | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) 2021 | No data publicly available |
Baseline | Fish , Marine Mammals , Sea Turtles | Maine fauna surveys Plane-based and/or vessel surveys will be conducted possible concurrent with other biological surveys but not concurrent with any geophysical or geotechnical survey work. Two years of surveys will be conducted to cover spatial, temporal, and inter-annual variance in the area of potential effect. | Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) 2021 | No data publicly available |