In the WESE project scope, Work Package 3 aims to model electromagnetic and acoustic fields, as well as marine dynamics, in sites where Wave Energy Converters (WEC) are operating in real sea conditions in Spanish and Portuguese coastal waters, representing different types of technology, sites and, therefore, types of marine environments (onshore, nearshore and offshore) that can potentially be affected by wave energy projects: (i) Idom-Oceantec MARMOK-A-5, installed in the Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP) in Spain; (ii) Mutriku Wave Power Plant, in operation in the Mutriku (Spain); and (iii) WaveRoller (AW-Energy), installed in Peniche (Portugal).
This specific deliverable (3.2) aims to model the underwater acoustic fields radiated by the wave energy converters with the support of the results of the deliverable D2.3. To achieve this goal, a parabolic equation acoustic propagation model with full range dependence in environment variables (bathymetry, temperature, salinity, and seabed substrate elastic parameters) has been implemented for three different frequencies (62.5, 125, and 1000 Hz), several depth levels, ranging from 5 meters to 100 meters, and different sea states (characterized by significant wave height).