The development of the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Program was undertaken in 1973, approved by the CRMC in 1977, and federally-approved in 1978. In 1983, its first five chapters were replaced by this document, commonly referred to as the “Redbook” and initially printed for the Council through the University of Rhode Island’s Publication Office (P964 12/83 5M). The Redbook was last printed as a bound document in May of 1990. This edition of the RICRMP is the first time that the Redbook has been formatted for a three-ring binder. It was printed in June 1996. All revisions to this edition are current as of December 14, 2010. Over the years, many people devoted time and thought to this document and made significant contributions to its form and content. For its initial development, John A. Lyons, chairman of the Coastal Resources Management Council, and CRMC's Working Group on Program Revision attended innumerable meetings to review several drafts of this document over a period of two years. The members of the group were Alvaro Freda, Dr. William Miner, Barbara Colt, Malcolm Grant, James Beattie, Frank Geremia, and Lee Whitaker. The entire Council attended many sessions of the Planning and Policy Subcommittee to discuss major policy issues raised by these amendments. The many years' experience of the Council's staff led to the initial development of the standards listed in Part Three. Special thanks go to Nicholas Pisani, James Parkhurst, Linda Steere, and Gail Chmura, all of whom made substantial contributions to the document. Various agencies, private groups, and individuals commented on the document during the initial nine-month public review period and made suggestions that are incorporated in the final product. Special thanks are due to Malcolm Grant of the Department of Environmental Management; Daniel Varin, chief of the Statewide Planning Program; Christopher Little of Save the Bay; Kenneth Payne, director of the League of Cities and Towns; Friends of the Waterfront (Newport); the Rhode Island Association of Realtors; and the Rhode Island Marine Trades Association. Over the years, these same groups have made many comments on proposed revisions and have kept active in the review process. For the initial “Redbook” document (1983), the authors were Stephen Olsen and George Seavey, of URI’s Coastal Resources Center. The maps were originally drawn by Marion McHugh and Betsy Watkins. Vicki Desjardins did the final editing, and Larry Pearce was responsible for the layout and design. This current format for the Redbook, the three-ring bound document of the RICRMP, was prepared, edited, and designed by Joanne Moore and Jeff Willis of the Council’s staff. The preparation of the original Redbook publication was financed in part by a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the provisions of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-583), and in part from the NOAA Office of Sea Grant, U.S. Department of Commerce, under Grant NA-81AA-D-00073. This three-ring bound document was financed in part by a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the provisions of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-583), under Grant #NA57OZ0449. The U.S. Government is authorized to produce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes not-withstanding any copyright notation that may appear hereon.