In October 2010, the SOWFIA project (Streamlining of Ocean Wave Farms Impact Assessment) was launched. The SOWFIA project draws together partners from across Europe with the aim to streamlining impact assessment for wave farm developments.
The streamlining process is carried out at local, national and European level though a gathering of the experiences of the key actors in the wave energy sector and dissemination of the finding to Policy makers at European and National level, by means of interactive meetings and presentations.
It is therefore intended to hold a series of meetings with at least 5 EC directorates, namely DG Mare, DG Environment, DG Climate change, DG Energy, DG RTD and with EACI to present the main outcomes of the project and measure of how European authorities will use the project findings.
In occasion of the EU-OEA Ocean Energy 2012 a nd a short notice a n informal meeting was held with representat ive of the EU - DG Mare, Dr. Brian Toll and EU – DG RTD, Dr Ir. Matthijs Soede in Brussels on Monday the 25 th of June 2012. The meeting represented the first possibility to raise awareness about the aims and objective of the SOWFIA process.
The meeting was aimed at presenting the up-to-date findings of the SOWFIA project, outlining the proposed outcome and paving the way for the integration of the SOWFIA outcome within the agendas of the different DGs in the form of recommendation and guidelines.