The SafeWAVE project aims to improve the knowledge on the potential environmental impacts from Wave Energy (WE) projects. In the project scope, Work Package 3 aims to model environmental data related to: i) Electromagnetic Fields, ii) Sound propagation and iii) Marine dynamics.
This deliverable reports the works of Task 3.1 related to the modelling of the electromagnetic fields emitted by subsea power cables. The main goal of Task 3.1 is to estimate the magnetic and electric fields amplitude generated by the power cables at the three test sites under study: Aguçadoura, BiMEP and SEMREV. This was achieved using the open-source tool developed within the WESE project which consists of an EMF modelling tool based on Python code and FEMM software. Despite the tool could not be validated when created, the code was adapted for the purpose of this task, and it was validated using the data collected during the monitoring campaign performed within WP2 (Task 2.2).