Appendix A Table of Contents
- The Planning and Policy Context by Kenneth Payne
- Characterizing the Physical Oceanography of Coastal Waters Off Rhode Island, Part 1: Literature Review, Available Observations, and A Representative Model Simulation by Daniel L. Codiga and David S. Ullman
- Characterizing the Physical Oceanography of Coastal Waters Off Rhode Island, Part 2: New Observations of Water Properties, Currents, and Waves by David S. Ullman and Daniel L. Codiga
- Benthic Habitat Distribution and Subsurface Geology in Selected Sites from the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Study Area by Monique LaFrance, Emily Shumc henia, John King, Robert Pockalny, Bryan Oakley, Sheldon Pratt, Jon Boothroyd
- Investigations into Block Island’s Submerged Cultural Sites and Landscapes for the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan 2010 by Rod Mather and John Jensen
- High Resolution Modeling of Meteorological, Hydrodynamic, Wave and Sediment Processes in the Rhode Island Ocean SAMP Study Area by Stephan Grilli, Jeffrey Harris, Ravi Sharma, Lauren Decker, David Stuebe, Daniel Mendelsohn, Deborah Crowley, and Steve Decker
- Fog and Icing Occurrence, and Air Quality Factors for the Rhode Island Ocean SAMP by John Merrill
- Analysis of Extreme Wave Climates in Rhode Island Waters South of Block Island by Annette Grilli, Taylor Asher, Stephan Grilli, and Malcolm Spaulding
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Surface Chlorophyll, Primary Production, and Benthic Metabolism in Rhode Island and Block Island Sounds by Scott Nixon, Stephen Granger, Candace Oviatt, Lindsey Fields, Jeff Mercer
- Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles of Narragansett Bay, Block Island Sound, Rhode Island Sound, and Nearby Waters: An Analysis of Existing Data for the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan by Robert D. Kenney and Kathleen J. Vigness - Raposa
- (a) The Spatial Distribution, Abundance, and Flight Ecology of Birds in Nearshore and Offshore Waters of Rhode Island by Peter W.C. Paton, Scott R. McWilliams, Kristopher J. Winiarski, and Carol L. Trocki (b) Appendix K, Radar Monitoring of Bird and Bat Movement Patterns on Block Island and its Coastal Waters by David Mizrahi, Robert Fogg, Thomas Magarian, Vincent Elia, Patti Hodgetts, and David La Puma
- Acoustic Noise, and Electromagnetic Study in Support of the Rhode Island Ocean SAMP by James Miller, Gopu R. Potty, Kathleen Vigness-Raposa, David Casagrande, Lisa A. Miller, Jeffrey Nystuen, and Peter M. Scheifele
- Baseline Characterization: Data sources, methods, and results (Chapter 5. Commercial and Recreational Fisheries Appendix A) by Erin Bohaboy, Anna Malek, and Jeremy Collie
- Fisheries Ecology in Rhode Island and Block Island Sounds for the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan 2010 by Anna Malek, Monique LaFrance, Jeremy Collie, and John King
- Fisheries Activity Maps: Methods and Data Sources (Chapter 5. Commercial and Recreational Fisheries Appendix B) by Tiffany Smythe, Sarah Smith, and Dave Beutel
- Application of Technology Development Index and Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Methods to Ocean Renewable Energy Facility Siting by Malcolm L. Spaulding, Annette Grilli, Christopher Damon, and Grover Fugate
- High Resolution Application of the Technology Development Index (TDI) in State Waters South of Block Island by Annette Grilli, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Christopher Damon, and Ravi Sharma
- Development of a Technology Type Factor for Jacket Structures for Offshore Wind Turbines in Rhode Island by M.S. Ravi Sharma, Jonas Hensel, Christopher D.P. Baxter, and Sau-Lon James Hu
- Wind Resource Assessment in the Vicinity of a Small, Low Relief Coastal Island by Malcolm L. Spaulding, Marty Bell, Jay Titlow, Ravi Sharma, Annette Grilli, Alex Crosby, Lauren Decker, and Daniel Menelsohn
- Evaluation of Wind Statistics and Energy Resources in Southern RI Coastal Waters by Annette Grilli, Malcolm L. Spaulding, Alex Crosby, and Ravi Sharma
- Meteorological Model Based Wind Resource Assessment in the Vicinity of Block Island by Malcolm L. Spaulding, Marty Bell, Jay Titlow, Lauren Decker, Annette Grilli, Ravi Sharma, Alexander Crosby and Daniel Mendelsohn
- Report of the Ocean Special Area Management Plan Stakeholder Process to the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council by Kenneth Payne
- Ecosystem Services Typology in the Ocean SAMP by Annette R. Grilli, Tania Lado, and Malcolm Spaulding
- The Nature Conservancy’s Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregional Assessment: Implications for the Rhode Island Ocean SAMP Region by Kevin Ruddock
- Enhanced ocean landscape and ecological value characterization for the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan study area using Habitat Typology and Habitat Template approaches by Emily J. Shumchenia and A nnette Grilli
- Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan: Studies Investigating the Spatial Distribution and Abundance of Marine Birds in Nearshore and Offshore Waters of Rhode Island by Kristopher Winiarski, Peter Paton, Scot t McWilliams and David Miller
- Ocean Special Area Management Plan Science Research Agenda by Monique LaFrance and Michelle Carnevale
- Ecological Value Map (EVM) for the Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan – May 2011 Update by Deborah French McCay, Melanie Schroeder, Eileen Graham, Danielle Reich, and Jill Rowe