Monday 26th March
Session 1: Array Modelling (1)
11:10 Validation of an LES-ALM to simulate arrays of tidal turbines Pablo Ouro (Cardiff University) 4
11:35 Arrays of non-uniform blockage and resistance Paul Bonar (University of Edinburgh) 6
12:00 Field observations of rotor thrust and bypass-acceleration at a tidal fence Merel Verbeek (TU Delft) 8
Poster Presentations (1)
12:25 An English Channel model for the optimisation of tidal turbines in the Alderney Race Zoe Goss (Imperial College) 10
12:30 Tidal asymmetry and its effect on capacity factor of tidal resource Ahmad Firdaus (University of Oxford) 12
12:35 Acquiring flow and measurement data on a floating tidal energy converter Thomas Lake (Swansea University) 14
Session 2: Wake characteristics and turbulence (1)
14:00 Investigating the fundamental nature of unsteady aerofoil response to gusts Amanda Smyth (University of Cambridge) 16
14:25 Unsteady hydrodynamics of full-scale tidal turbines Gabriel Scarlett (University of Edinburgh) 18
14:50 Unsteady loading in an array due to simulated turbulent onset flow Hannah Mullings (University of Manchester) 20
Poster Presentations (2)
15:15 Dynamic modelling of floating tidal energy converters Jack Hughes (Swansea University) 22
15:20 Hydroelastic modelling of composite tidal turbine blades Federico Zilic de Arcos (University of Oxford) 24
15:25 Coupling of WATTES and OpenFOAM codes for wake modelling behind close-packed contra-rotating vertical-axis tidal rotors Ruiwen Zhao (University of Edinburgh) 26
Session 3: Array Modelling (2)
16:00 Characterising array performance for different operating points Tim Stallard (University of Manchester) 28
16:25 A basin-scale comparison of constrained BEM and actuator disc models Lei Chen (University of Oxford) 30
16:50 The effects of uncertain bottom friction on estimates of tidal current power Monika Kreitmair (University of Edinburgh) 32
27th March 2018
Session 4: Turbine Design and Performance (1)
9:25 An experimental evaluation of blockage corrections for cross-flow current turbines Hannah Ross (University of Washington) 34
9:50 A reduced order model to predict flows around cross-flow turbines Esteban Ferrer (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) 36
10:15 Size matters: Investigation into “full scale” and geometry scaling of the helical Gorlov marine turbines Esther Quaintmere (University of Hull) 38
Session 5: Turbine design and performance (2)
11:10 Modelling tidal stream turbine and array interaction Matt Edmunds (Swansea University) 40
11:35 Influence of support structures on tidal turbine power output Subhash Muchala (University of Oxford) 42
12:00 CFD analysis of tidal range turbine draft tube wakes Ross Gwenter (Swansea University) 44
Poster Presentations (3)
12:25 Implementation of a tidal barrage boundary condition in DG-ADCIRC Tulio Marcondes Moreira (University of Oxford) 46
12:30 Misalignment of currents and waves at tidal energy sites Matt Lewis (Bangor University) 48
12:35 Optimisation of tidal turbine blades for low velocity flow Job Encarnacion (University of Strathclyde) 50
Session 6: Wake characteristics and turbulence (2)
14:00 Measuring marine turbulence kinetic energy with 4- and 5-beam ADCPs Michael Togneri (Swansea University) 52
14:25 Recent developments to compute turbines interactions in an ambient turbulent flow Camille Choma Bex (Université du Havre) 54