In 2002, AquaEnergy Group Ltd. contacted Evans-Hamilton, Inc. to conduct current measurements for three months during winter, deploy and recover a wave measuring buoy, and collect bottom sediment samples for analysis of grain size at locations within their intended project demonstration site located within Makah Bay, Washington. The purpose of their demonstration project was to install and test the hardware and efficiency of buoys designed to convert motion induced by waves into electricity. The purpose of the current and wave measurements were to confirm and describe these conditions at the site, both for system design purposes, and for environmental permitting. The purpose of the sediment samples was to understand the bottom sediment conditions, and assess the potential for sediment resuspension and scouring around the buoy anchors and electrical cable to shore.
In late October 2002 the three current meters and one wave measuring buoy were installed, an eight sediment samples collected. The wave measuring buoy was recovered in February 2003, and one current meter was recovered in March 2003. Two current meters were lost, although one meter was last known to be at its deployed site, but buried by sediment.
The results of the current measurements and sediment laboratory results are presented in this report. Wave height information has been included for comparison to the current measurements.