The present deliverable aims to consolidate up-to-date information on the structure of consenting processes in RiCORE project partner countries: France, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland). A summary of the different elements of consenting for Marine Renewables is presented in section 4 ‘Review of national consenting processes for offshore renewable energy’. For each country, consenting processes are reviewed and analysed on the basis of five parameters: occupation of maritime space, licence to generate/supply electricity, terrestrial planning, environmental assessment and monitoring and public participation. The report addresses the institutional aspects applicable to each parameter. The objective of this review is to provide an overall ‘picture’ highlighting fragmentation or integration in the consenting systems in operation in these countries. The report then goes onto highlight possible difficulties for each countries studied and best practices within consenting processes. The information contained in the deliverable is primarily based on relevant data collected during a number of RiCORE workshops and as well as other EU projects e.g. SOWFIA. The report also includes information from academic literature, licensing manuals, EIA Guidance documents (in France, Germany and UK), Environmental Statements and EIA consent decisions (where available).