The guidance documents are intended to be available for regulators and advisors as they carry out their decision-making and for developers and consultants as they prepare consenting and licensing applications. This country-specific document presents an overview of regulations relevant for marine renewable energy development in Japan. It is not intended to replace any regulatory requirements or prescribe action for a particular risk. This document is intended to be read in conjunction with the background document.
In Japan, there are legal systems in place to oversee spatial use of Japanese sea areas. There are a variety of regulatory bodies in charge of permissions for activities, which may include planning, area designation, and construction work, depending on the sea area, such as coasts, harbors, shipping routes, natural parks, protected water surfaces, etc. The scope of hearing and discussion also varies from project to project. Regarding marine renewable energy (MRE) development, the Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) and the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) established the Act on Promoting Utilization of Sea Areas for Development of Power Generation Facilities Using Maritime Renewable Energy Resources. Also, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) amended the Port and Harbor Act to permit using a part of a port area for MRE development.