This final technical report summarizes the work completed as part of the Standardized and Cost-Effective Benthic Habitat Mapping and Monitoring Tools for MHK Environmental Assessments project funded by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under contract DE EE007826 to Integral Consulting Inc. The overall goal of this project was to demonstrate a consistent, repeatable, and semi-automated seafloor and sediment mapping approach for rapidly characterizing benthic physical and biological/habitat conditions to support marine environmental assessments for marine and hydrokinetic energy sites. The approach evaluated combines sediment profile imaging and plan view (SPI/PV) technology with multibeam echosounder surveys as an effective and low-cost benthic habitat mapping protocol. A key innovation was the development of a semi-automated computer vision system that standardizes the extraction of data from the SPI/PV images. Other elements of the project were SPI camera hardware modifications, including the design and fabrication of a prototype “power” SPI camera to improve camera prism penetration in firm substrates, and outreach to agency regulators and other stakeholders on this habitat mapping approach. This technical report consists of five main subsections that summarize: 1) the benthic mapping approach; 2) benthic mapping results from the three areas’ surveys; 3) the development and performance of the image processing algorithms; 4) SPI camera hardware improvements and prototype testing; and 5) the regulatory outreach efforts.« less