The Andrtiz Hammerfest Hydro MK1 is the proposed technology to be deployed on Berth E at the Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE) Test Site. The Mk1 has an 18.4 m diameter rotor and rated power of 1.5 MW. The turbine is a horizontal axis, 3 bladed, seabed mounted tidal turbine, which has been successfully deployed (3 machines) at MeyGen in Scotland. The Mk1 design represents the next generation in seabed mounted tidal turbine development for AHH incorporating a number of new features both to customise elements of the device for operation in the Bay of Fundy, but also to ready the device for commercial scale deployment.
The project will start as a single turbine with plans to grow into an eventual array.
The project is near Parrsboro, NS; located at the FORCE Test Site in the Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia Canada.
Licensing Information
The project has a Marine Licence from the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables. Additionally, through FORCE, the project has an approved Environmental Assessment. The project also requires an Authorization from the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). Prior to installation, the project will also require a permit from Transport Canada under the Navigable Waters Act.
Project Progress
The project is finishing development work, including the application for an Authorization under the Fisheries Act of Canada. Once the authorization is received, production will begin with plans to install the first turbine in the early fall of 2024.
Key Environmental Issues
There are a number of species of interest near the project site as well as two key species at risk: the White Shark and the Inner Bay of Fundy (iBoF) Atlantic salmon.
As the project may cause harm to these species, an authorization from the DFO is required.
The project must provide an acceptable Environmental Effects Monitoring Plan to monitoring project must provide an Offsetting Plan to address any mitigate potential issues.
Baseline information can be found at the FORCE metdata project site page:…