Havkraft is demonstration how Marina Solutions AS can integrate wave power converters on all of their future piers, marinas, feeding-barges etc. Two Havkraft Wave Energy Converters (H-WEC) are installed on a “Ulsteinflåten concrete floater.
The location is sheltered close by Ålesund, providing clean wave power to Atlanterhavsparken.
Licensing Information
Havkraft, Marina Solutions and Ulstein Betong are the three partners in the project. Kystverket and Ålesund Havn granted the license to perform the tests on site.
Project Progress
The main tests were performed in April. The project will be put on new location, where the converters will be put into commercial operation. Yet to be announced.
Key Environmental Issues
We were concerned about the nesting birds only meters away from the powerplant, but no inflict was put upon them. Neither did we register any other negative impact on life above or below water. The Ulsteinflåten concrete fleet has been installed on the coast of Norway for 30 years, so it is designed for longevity and kindness to biodiversity.
Papers, Reports, Research Studies
No public reports have yet been published.
Baseline Assessment: Powerpier by Havkraft
Receptor | Study Description | Design and Methods | Results | Status |
Marine Mammals | Preliminary marine mammal observations | Onsite marine mammal observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
Fish | Preliminary fish observations | Onsite fish observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
Birds | Preliminary bird observations | Onsite bird observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
Physical Environment | Preliminary physical impact observations | Onsite physical impact observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
Ecosystem Processes | Preliminary ecosystem effects observations | Onsite ecosystem effects observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
Post-Installation Monitoring: Powerpier by Havkraft
Stressor | Receptor | Study Description | Design and Methods | Results | Status |
Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | Preliminary physical effects observations | Onsite physical effects observations made | Minor interference in incoming waves, but no harm | Completed |
Changes in Flow | Ecosystem Processes | Preliminary ecosystem effects observations | Onsite ecosystem effects observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
Collision | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals | Preliminary collision risk observations for marine mammals, birds, and fish | Onsite collision risk observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
Noise | Fish, Marine Mammals | Preliminary underwater noise observations, impacts to fish marine mammals | Onsite underwater noise observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
EMF | Fish | Preliminary electromagnetic field observations; impacts to fish | Onsite electromagnetic field observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
Habitat Change | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals | Preliminary changes in habitat effects observations; impacts to marine mammals, fish, birds | Onsite changes in habitat observations made | No harm observed | Completed |
Displacement | Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals | Preliminary displacement observations; impacts to marine mammals, fish, birds | Onsite displacement observations made | No harm observed | Completed |