Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center (SNMREC)
Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center (SNMREC)
The Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center at Florida Atlantic University seeks to advance the science and technology of recovering energy from the oceans’ renewable resources, with special emphasis on those resources available to the southeastern US: initially focusing on ocean currents and offshore thermal resources. By playing a leadership role, the SNMREC helps promote economic development and energy independence for the nation.
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Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents
Total results: 7
Title | Author | Date | Content Type | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
The Florida Current: A Clean but Challenging Energy Resource | Hanson, H., Bozek, A., Duerr, A. | Journal Article | Ocean Current, Marine Energy | |||
Sea Turtles in the Straits of Florida | Wyneken, J. | Research Study | Marine Energy | Habitat Change | Reptiles, Sea Turtles | |
Coastal Marine Animal Surveys | Kajiura, S. | Research Study | Marine Energy | EMF, Habitat Change | Marine Mammals, Reptiles | |
Assessing Resource Assessment for MRE | Hanson, H., Bozec, A., Duerr, A. | Conference Paper | Marine Energy | |||
Ocean Current Turbine Rotor Noise | Glegg, S. | Research Study | Tidal, Ocean Current, Marine Energy | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
Open-Ocean Energy Production: The Environmental Context | Hanson, H. | Conference Paper | Marine Energy | |||
MRE Extraction and Gulf Stream Dynamics | Hanson, H., Chassignet, E., Bosec, A. | Research Study | Ocean Current, Marine Energy | Habitat Change, Changes in Flow |
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results