Douglas-Westwood Ltd
Douglas-Westwood Ltd
Established in 1990, Douglas-Westwood is a leading provider of market research and consulting services to the energy industry worldwide. We have completed 1,000 projects for clients in more than 70 different countries and in some 250 niche energy segments. Our clients range from the oil & gas majors and their contractors to financial houses and governments. We are an independent organisation and our research is supported by proprietary data, insight and knowledge. Our international reach is backed up by one of the largest sector-focused teams in offices in the Americas, Europe and Asia.
Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents
Total results: 1
Title | Author | Date | Content Type | Technology | Receptor |
Wave and Tidal Energy Its Emergence and the Challenges it Faces | Ferro, B. | Journal Article | Wave, Tidal, Marine Energy | Human Dimensions |
Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 results