The table below contains the relevant literature to this summary.
Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Content Type | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
Colonisation of wave power foundations by mobile mega- and macrofauna – a 12 year study | Bender, A., Langhamer, O., Sundberg, J. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Attraction, Habitat Change | Fish, Invertebrates | |
Development of epibenthic assemblages on artificial habitat associated with marine renewable infrastructure | Sheehan, E., Cartwright, A., Witt, M., Attrill, M., Vural, M., Holmes, L. | Journal Article | Marine Energy | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Benthic effects of offshore renewables: identification of knowledge gaps and urgently needed research | Dannheim, J., Bergström, L., Birchenough, S., Brzana, R., Boon, A., Coolen, J., Dauvin, J., De Mesel, I., Derweduwen, J., Gill, A., Hutchison, Z., Jackson, A., Janas, U., Martin, G., Raoux, A., Reubens, L., Rostin, L., Vanaverbeke, J., Wilding, T., Wilhelmsson, D., Degraer, S. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wind Energy | Invertebrates | ||
The trade-off between tidal-turbine array yield and environmental impact: A habitat suitability modelling approach | du Feu, R., Funke, S., Kramer, S., Hill, J., Piggott, M. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Invertebrates | |
Predictable changes in fish school characteristics due to a tidal turbine support structure | Williamson, B., Fraser, S., Williamson, L., Nikora, V., Scott, B. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Attraction | Fish | |
Assessing the impact of introduced infrastructure at sea with cameras: A case study for spatial scale, time and statistical power | Bicknell, A., Sheehan, E., Godley, B., Doherty, P., Witt, M. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Meta-Analysis of Finfish Abundance at Offshore Wind Farms | Methratta, E., Dardick, W. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Fish | ||
Measuring sensitivity of two OSPAR indicators for a coastal food web model under offshore wind farm construction | Raoux, A., Lassalle, G., Pezy, J., Tecchio, S., Safi, G., Ernande, B., Mazé, C., Le Loch, F., Lequesne, J., Girardin, V., Dauvin, J., Niquil, N. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Ecosystem Processes | ||
BioFREE: An International Study of Biofouling Impacts on the Marine Renewable Energy Industry | Want, A., Porter, J. | Conference Paper | Marine Energy | Invertebrates | ||
A review of potential impacts of submarine power cables on the marine environment: Knowledge gaps, recommendations and future directions | Taormina, B., Bald, J., Want, A., Thouzeau, G., Lejart, M., Desroy, N., Carlier, A. | Journal Article | Habitat Change | |||
Fish Distributions in a Tidal Channel Indicate the Behavioural Impact of a Marine Renewable Energy Installation | Fraser, S., Williamson, B., Nikora, V., Scott, B. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Attraction | Fish | |
Linking ecosystem services with epibenthic biodiversity change following installation of offshore wind farms | Causon, P., Gill, A. | Journal Article | Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Ecosystem Processes, Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data | |
Benthic biodiversity on old platforms, young wind farms, and rocky reefs | Coolen, J., van der Weide, B., Cuperus, J., Blomberg, M., Van Moorsel, G., Faasse, M., Bos, O., Degraer, S., Lindeboom, H., Norkko, J. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean | Fowler, A., Jørgensen, A., Svendsen, J., Macreadie, P., Jones, D., Boon, A., Booth, D., Brabant, R., Callahan, E., Claisse, J., Dahlgren, T., Degraer, S., Dokken, Q., Gill, A., Johns, D., Leewis, R., Lindeboom, H., Linden, O., May, R., Murk, A., Ottersen, G., Schroeder, D., Shastri, S., Teilmann, J., Todd, V., Van Hoey, G., Vanaverbeke, J., Coolen, J. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | ||
Anthropogenic disturbance facilitates a non-native species on offshore oil platforms | Viola, S., Page, H., Zaleski, S., Miller, R., Doheny, B., Dugan, J., Schroeder, D., Schroeter, S. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Attraction, Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Seabed recovery following protective burial of subsea cables - Observations from the continental margin | Kraus, C., Carter, L. | Journal Article | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | ||
Using Coupled Hydrodynamic Biogeochemical Models to Predict the Effects of Tidal Turbine Arrays on Phytoplankton Dynamics | Schuchert, P., Kregting, L., Pritchard, D., Savidge, G., Elsäßer, B. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Ecosystem Processes | |
Effect of an Offshore Wind Farm on the Viviparous Eelpout: Biometrics, Brood Development and Population Studies in Lillgrund, Sweden | Langhamer, O., Dahlgren, T., Rosenqvist, G. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Habitat Change | Fish, Demersal Fish | |
Tidal Energy: The Benthic Effects of an Operational Tidal Stream Turbine | O'Carroll, J., Kennedy, R., Creech, A., Savidge, G. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Invertebrates | |
Pelagic effects of offshore wind farm foundations in the stratified North Sea | Floeter, J., van Beusekom, J., Auch, D., Callies, U., Carpenter, J., Dudeck, T., Eberle, S., Eckhardt, A., Gloe, D., Hanselmann, K., Hufnagl, M., Janssen, S., Lenhart, H., Moller, K., North, R., Pohlmann, T., Riethmuller, R., Schulz, S., Spreizenbarth, S., Temming, A., Walter, B., Zielinski, O., Mollmann, C. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Physical Environment, Fish, Pelagic Fish | ||
Offshore marine constructions as propagators of moon jellyfish dispersal | Vodopivec, M., Peliz, Á ., Malej, A. | Journal Article | Marine Energy | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Biodiversity Characterisation and Hydrodynamic Consequences of Marine Fouling Communities on Marine Renewable Energy Infrastructure in the Orkney Islands Archipelago, Scotland, UK | Want, A., Crawford, R., Kakkonen, J., Kiddie, G., Miller, S., Harris, R., Porter, J. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Changes in Fish Communities on a Small Spatial Scale, an Effect of Increased Habitat Complexity by an Offshore Wind Farm | van Hal, R., Griffioen, A., van Keeken, O. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Fish, Demersal Fish | |
Identifying Relevant Scales of Variability for Monitoring Epifaunal Reef Communities at a Tidal Energy Extraction Site | O'Carroll, J., Kennedy, R., Savidge, G. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Invertebrates | ||
Mobile Demersal Megafauna at Common Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations in the German Bight (North Sea) Two Years after Deployment - Increased Production Rate of Cancer pagurus | Krone, R., Dederer, G., Kanstinger, P., Krämer, P., Schneider, C., Schmalenbach, I. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Fish, Demersal Fish, Invertebrates | |
Benthic effects of artificial structures deployed in a tidal estuary | Mendoza, M., Henkel, S. | Journal Article | Changes in Flow, Habitat Change | Invertebrates | ||
Benthic and Fish Aggregation Inside an Offshore Wind Farm: Which Effects on the Trophic Web Functioning? | Raoux, A., Tecchio, S., Pezy, J., Lassalle, G., Degraer, S., Wilhelmsson, D., Cachera, M., Ernande, B., Guen, C., Haraldsson, M., Grangeré, K., Le Loc'h, F., Dauvin, J., Niquil, N. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Ecosystem Processes, Invertebrates | |
The location of offshore wave power devices structures epifaunal assemblages | Langhamer, O. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Assessment of Benthic Effects of Anchor Presence and Removal | Henkel, S. | Report | Marine Energy | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Distribution of the invasive Caprella mutica Schurin, 1935 and native Caprella linearis (Linnaeus, 1767) on artificial hard substrates in the North Sea: separation by habitat | Coolen, J., Lengkeek, W., Degraer, S., Kerckhof, F., Kirkwood, R., Lindeboom, H. | Journal Article | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | ||
Do Changes in Current Flow as a Result of Arrays of Tidal Turbines Have an Effect on Benthic Communities? | Kregting, L., Elsaesser, B., Kennedy, R., Smyth, D., O'Carroll, J., Savidge, G. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Invertebrates | |
Spatial Ecosystem Modelling of Marine Renewable Energy Installations: Gauging the Utility of Ecospace | Alexander, K., Meyjes, S., Heymans, J. | Journal Article | Marine Energy | Human Dimensions, Fisheries | ||
Short-term effects of fishery exclusion in offshore wind farms on macrofaunal communities in the Belgian part of the North Sea | Coates, D., Kapasakali, D., Vincx, M., Vanaverbeke, J. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Invertebrates, Human Dimensions, Fisheries | ||
Potential Environmental Impact of Tidal Energy Extraction in the Pentland Firth at Large Spatial Scales: Results of a Biogeochemical Model | van der Molen, J., Ruardij, P., Greenwood, N. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment | |
Biofouling Community Composition across a Range of Environmental Conditions and Geographical Locations Suitable for Floating Marine Renewable Energy Generation | Macleod, A., Stanley, M., Day, J., Cook, E. | Journal Article | Marine Energy | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Offshore Wind Park Monitoring Programmes, Lessons Learned and Recommendations for the Future | Lindeboom, H., Degraer, S., Dannheim, J., Gill, A., Wilhelmsson, D. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | |||
Effects of submarine power transmission cables on a glass sponge reef and associated megafaunal community | Dunham, A., Pegg, J., Carolsfeld, W., Davies, S., Murfitt, I., Boutillier, J. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wind Energy | Habitat Change | Invertebrates | |
Evaluating the Potential for Marine and Hydrokinetic Devices to Act as Artificial Reefs or Fish Aggregating Devices, Based on Analysis of Surrogates in Tropical, Subtropical, and Temperate U.S. West Coast and Hawaiian Coastal Waters | Kramer, S., Hamilton, C., Spencer, G., Ogston, H. | Report | Marine Energy | Habitat Change | Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish | |
In-Situ Ecological Interactions with a Deployed Tidal Energy Device; An Observational Pilot Study | Broadhurst, M., Barr, S., Orme, D. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Fish, Demersal Fish, Pelagic Fish | ||
Spatial and Temporal Benthic Species Assemblage Responses with a Deployed Marine Tidal Energy Device: A Small Scaled Study | Broadhurst, M., Orme, C. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Ecosystem Processes, Invertebrates |