OES-Environmental hosted a webinar on 19 January 2023, from 3:30 – 5:00pm UTC (7:30 – 9:00am PST) to share tools for designing and siting marine renewable energy (MRE; wave, tide, ocean current, salinity and temperature gradient) projects with environmental effects in mind. This webinar highlighted OES-Environmental's Management Measures Tool, AZTI's Wave Energy Converter - Environmental Risk Assessment (WEC-ERA) Tool, and the Marine Energy Environmental Toolkit for Permitting and Licensing developed by Kearns & West.
1. The MRE Management Measures Tool compiles management (or mitigation) measures from past and current projects as a reference to help manage potential risks from future projects and allow them to move forward in the face of uncertainty, or until a risk can be retired. The web tool is searchable and information can be downloaded directly from the tool.
2. The WEC-ERA Tool is intended for managers, decision makers, and industry to assess the suitability of wave energy converters and their potential environmental impacts.
3. The Marine Energy Environmental Toolkit compiles and distills existing environmental, spatial, regulatory, and scientific data from the US into one web-based platform that includes a data catalog and mapper of spatial environmental datasets, guidelines and flowcharts for permitting in the US, and a community engagement and communication module among others.
View the recording below and see a summary of the live Q&A from the event here, with additional links and resources that were shared.