To facilitate the consenting/permitting of small numbers of marine renewable energy (MRE) devices, OES-Environmental has developed a risk retirement process, whereby interactions deemed low risk need not be fully investigated for every project. Rather, MRE developers and regulators may rely on what is known from already consented/permitted projects, from related research studies, or from findings from analogous offshore industries.
This public webinar, held over Zoom on August 31st from 8:00-9:00am PDT (UTC-7), provided an overview of the risk retirement process, including data transferability, and an update that will focus on introducing the new guidance documents for risk retirement. The guidance documents aim to bridge between scientific evidence and application for consenting/permitting processes. OES-Environmental's outreach efforts and feedback received from the MRE community in the development of the guidance documents will also be highlighted, as well as the next steps for OES-Environmental’s efforts to increase understanding of environmental effects of MRE.
Past Events
- OES-Environmental Webinar #19: OES-Environmental Webinar: Risk Retirement, Online (Zoom), 24 September 2020 15:00-16:30 UTC