In this webinar, National Renewable Energy Laboratory researchers will be presenting updated data and functionality of the Marine Energy Atlas web-based interactive mapping tool. New features to the Marine Energy Atlas include expansion of the Water Power Technologies Office (WPTO) Wave Hindcast Dataset to 42 years and increased functionality to let users down select data to capture only variables of interest and save queries. The Marine Energy Atlas also contains tools that process data “in-house” for users. An example includes the Capacity Factor Tool, which uses the WPTO Wave Hindcast Dataset to calculate the capacity factor of a user’s wave energy converter. Capacity factor is the ratio of the actual time-averaged power output to maximum possible power output, which is a more helpful quantity when estimating the output from a generator that relies on an intermittently-available resource like wave energy.
The Marine Energy Atlas is one of seven Knowledge Hubs in the Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE).
Webinar Recording:
Past Events
- NREL & WPTO Webinar: Introducing the New Marine Energy Atlas, Online, 27 May 2021 16:00-18:00 UTC