European Technology & Innovation Platform (ETIP) Ocean and Ocean Energy Systems (OES)-Environmental hosted a workshop as part of the Ocean Energy Europe (OEE) 2024 conference on 5th November 2024 on "Latest Results & Key Priorities in Environmental Monitoring". The workshop aimed to engage marine renewable energy (MRE) developers, researchers, and stakeholders in discussing two key stressor-receptor interactions: collision risk and underwater noise.
With national and European public funding support for marine renewable energy deployments within the next five years, wave and tidal energy are gaining private sector investments and creating market opportunities. Concerns about risks to marine animals continue to slow consenting timelines. Collecting and disseminating research on these risks can be key to reducing uncertainty and progressing the industry.
The workshop consisted of a presentation on current OES-Environmental research and the status of knowledge surrounding collision risk and underwater noise. After the presentation, participants were separated into four breakout groups each with a facilitator to moderate discussions. Facilitators used a series of questions to guide participants through discussions around the concern of collision risk and underwater noise effects on marine animals throughout project consenting, deployment, build-out, and dissemination of results.
- Lotta Pirttimaa – Introduction to the European Technology & Innovation Platform (ETIP)
- Lysel Garavelli and Andrea Copping – Overview of the environmental effects of MRE, with a focus on collision risk and underwater noise
- Breakout group discussions
Past Events
- Ocean Energy Europe Conference & Exhibition (OEE2024), Aviemore, Scotland, UK, 6 November 2024 07:00-19:00 UTC