Reptiles include turtles and tortoises, snakes, lizards, crocodiles and alligators, amphisbaenians, and tuatara. In the marine environment, sea turtles may be at risk from the development of offshore wind and marine renewable energy. Sea turtles are believed to utilize the earth’s magnetic fields to migrate great distances across the oceans. If true, this could suggest that sea turtles may be vulnerable to certain levels of electromagnetic fields being emitted by offshore renewable energy devices. The physical presence of devices is also an important stressors to consider. Sea turtles are not particularly fast swimmers and could be struck by a rotating blade or moving flap. Static structures can also pose as artificial reefs, attracting certain species of sea turtles. On land, terrestrial reptiles may be at risk from the development of land-based wind energy. The construction and operation of land-based wind turbines may displace reptiles from key habitat or alter predator-prey dynamics.