Tethys Stories

Tethys Stories feature information on news, events, research, and projects relevant to wind and marine renewable energy development activities across the globe. Stories are contributed from individuals working in the field, and provide insight into advancing the energy industry in an environmentally responsible manner. If you are interested in providing content to be featured as a Tethys Story, please email tethys@pnnl.gov.

  • Submitted by Brian Polagye on
    Since this is a blog, blogging about another blog would seem to be fair game. As is the case for environmental MHK research, technology research is also published in a wide range of journals and conference proceedings. Consequently, it can be difficult to stay abreast of the latest technology developments. In January, 2012, Alison Labonte began to aggregate new publications in technology… Read More
  • Submitted by Davide Magagna on
    The SOWFIA project is a three year project funded by Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) that brings together ten partners from across Europe who share an interest in planning for wave farm developments. Wave energy is an innovative and developing technology that could contribute to meeting EU green energy goals and climate change mitigation targets. However, technological and administrative hurdles… Read More
  • Submitted by Luke Hanna on
    On October 15, 2012, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) hosted the second Ocean Energy Systems (OES) Annex IV Experts’ Workshop in Dublin, Ireland on the environmental effects of marine renewable energy. The Annex IV expert workshop brought together 52 researchers, developers and regulators from 9 OES member nations to review the products of the… Read More
  • Submitted by Luke Hanna on
    Since 1980, the North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) population has experienced a rapid decline, mainly due to fishing gear entanglements and collisions with shipping vessels.  Prior to 1980 the whaling industry also took its toll on the whales; the North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW) population size is now estimated to be 300-350 individuals and faces a serious threat of extinction.… Read More
  • Submitted by Andrea Copping on
    Twice each year, east Pacific gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) swim between their breeding grounds in Baja California and their main feeding areas in the Bering Sea. This round-trip swim of about 15,000 to 20,000 km (8100 to 10,800 nmi) is one of the longest known migrations by a mammal (Shelden et al. 2004). The whales’ migration route is somewhat unusual because it follows very close to the… Read More
  • Submitted by Andrea Copping on
    The purpose of this tool is to provide an easy to use, all inclusive tool to examine the environmental effects of offshore wind development. The goal being to streamline and facilitate the siting and permitting of offshore wind farms in the U.S. The Zephyrus tool will identify the highest environmental risks by 1) providing a science-based system to evaluate risk information, and making that… Read More