Featured Conferences and Workshops for Marine and Wind Energy and the Environment

Tethys, OES-Environmental, and WREN have formed several partnerships with groups sponsoring conferences and workshops having focal areas in the field of the potential environmental effects of wind and marine energy development. These global partnerships have resulted in the dissemination of information and content presented at various conferences and workshops. If your group is interested in having material hosted on Tethys, please email tethys@pnnl.gov.

Below is a list of past conferences and workshops, containing video/audio files of the presentations, Q&A sessions, and posters when available.

Sponsored By Title Date Sort ascending Location Description
Annex IV Workshop Annex IV Experts Workshop 2012 October 15, 2012 Dublin, Ireland

This workshop was held September 27-28, 2010 in Dublin, Ireland (Clontorf Castle Hotel) to kick off the Annex IV work on environmental effects of marine renewable energy. The workshop brought 58 technical experts from 8 nations to provide input on environmental effects.

Annex IV Workshop Annex IV Experts Workshop 2010 September 27, 2010 Dublin, Ireland

This workshop was held October 15, 2012 in Dublin, Ireland (Dublin Convention Centre). The meeting was held under the International Energy Agency's implementing agreement on Ocean Energy Systems and collaboration with the Department of Energy. The workshop brought 55 technical experts from 9 nations to provide input on Annex IV activities.

PNNL/University of Washington Workshop Environmental Effects of Tidal Energy Development March 22, 2010 Seattle, Washington, USA

This workshop brought together researchers from many nations to evaluate the environmental effects of tidal energy development, focused around defining and evaluating stressors and receptors at the pilot and commercial scale of marine renewable energy development.

Oregon State University Workshop Wave Energy Ecological Effects October 11, 2007 Corvallis, Oregon, USA

This workshop developed an initial assessment of the potential effects of wave energy development in the Oregon’s coastal ocean, developing a general conceptual framework of physical and biological relationships that can be applied to assess both specific wave energy projects and cumulative effects of multiple projects.