The Knowledge Base provides access to documents and information about the environmental effects of wind and marine renewable energy, supporting the OES-Environmental and WREN initiatives. Relevant documents from around the world are compiled into a user-friendly table that displays all content available in Tethys. Results can be narrowed using the keyword filters on the right, or with search terms entered in the text box, including targeted searches (e.g., org:DOE, author:copping). Content may also be sorted alphabetically by clicking on column headers. Some entries will appear on the next page.
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Title | Author | Date Sort ascending | Content Type | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
Windfarms, fishing and benthic recovery: Overlaps, risks and opportunities | Dunkley, F.; Solandt, J. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Human Dimensions, Fisheries | |
Quantitative Evaluation of Four Flow Shield Designs | Cotter, E.; Barker, A.; McVey, J.; et al. | Presentation | Noise | Human Dimensions | ||
Taking a Broader Look at Environmental and Ecological Effects of Marine Energy Development | Hemery, L.; Copping, A.; Hasselman, D.; et al. | Presentation | Marine Energy | |||
Acoustic Characterization around the CalWave Wave Energy Converter | Raghukumar, K.; Chang, G.; Spada, F.; et al. | Presentation | Marine Energy, Wave | Noise | ||
Implementation of the Spatial Environmental Assessment Toolkit | McWilliams, S.; Jones, C.; Roberts, J.; et al. | Presentation | Marine Energy, Riverine, Tidal, Wave | Habitat Change, Noise | ||
Operation of a tidal turbine from a moored vessel in Agate Pass, WA | Bassett, C. | Presentation | Marine Energy, Tidal | Collision, Noise | Fish, Invertebrates, Human Dimensions | |
Benefits of real-time object detection for environmental monitoring of marine energy devices | Murphy, P.; Joslin, J.; Scott, M. | Presentation | Marine Energy | |||
International assessment of priority environmental issues for land-based and offshore wind energy development | Green, R.; Gill, E.; Hein, C.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change, Noise | Bats, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment | |
Influence of coating type, colour, and deployment timing on biofouling by native and non-native species in a marine renewable energy context | Nall, C.; Schläppy, M.; Cottier-Cook, E.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy | Attraction | Invertebrates | |
Potential effects of energy development on environmental resources of the Williston Basin in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota | US Geological Survey (USGS) | Report | ||||
Pile driving repeatedly impacts the giant scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) | Jézéquel, Y.; Cones, S.; Jensen, F.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Invertebrates | |
Event detection for avian and bat wildlife on wind turbine blades | Drachnik, N. | Thesis | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Bats, Birds | |
Categorizing Active Marine Acoustic Sources Based on Their Potential to Affect Marine Animals | Ruppel, C.; Weber, T.; Staaterman, E.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals, Cetaceans, Reptiles, Sea Turtles | |
2020 Drop Camera Survey of Benthic Communities and Substrate in the 501N Study Area and an adjacent Control Area (Vineyard Wind) | Stokesbury, K.; Riley, C.; Lego, C.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Invertebrates, Physical Environment | ||
Seabed morphology and bed shear stress predict temperate reef habitats in a high energy marine region | Jackson-Bué, T.; Williams, G.; Whitton, T.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Tidal | Invertebrates, Physical Environment | ||
Drifting acoustic measurements of tidal turbine radiated noise in an urban waterway | Jones, L.; Crisp, C.; Haxel, J.; et al. | Presentation | Marine Energy, Tidal | Noise | Human Dimensions | |
Vulnerability of pelagic seabirds to the introduction of offshore renewable energy infrastructure off the Irish coast | Murphy, E.; Jessopp, M. | Research Study | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change | Birds, Seabirds | |
Assessing elements of energy justice in Colombia: A case study on transmission infrastructure in La Guajira | Vega-Araujo, J.; Heffron, R. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice | ||
Acoustic characteristics of a horizontal axis micro hydrokinetic turbine | Wang, X.; Hu, Z.; Yan, Y.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Riverine, Tidal | Noise | ||
National-scale impacts on wind energy production under curtailment scenarios to reduce bat fatalities | Maclaurin, G.; Hein, C.; Williams, T.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Displacement | Bats, Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data | |
Chemical Emissions from Offshore Wind Farms - Summary of the Project OffChEm | Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency; Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Chemicals | Physical Environment, Water Quality | |
Triton: Environmental Monitoring Technology Development, Collision Risk Data Collection | Packer, A.; Acker, T.; Staines, G. | Report | Marine Energy, Tidal | Collision | Fish, Marine Mammals | |
Environmental Impact Assessment for the decommissioning of offshore wind farms | Hall, R.; Topham, E.; João, E. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment | ||
Wind turbines without curtailment produce large numbers of bat fatalities throughout their lifetime: A call against ignorance and neglect | Voigt, C.; Kaiser, K.; Look, S.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Collision | Bats, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy | |
Case study on the novel permitting and authorization of PacWave South, a US grid-connected wave energy test facility: Development, challenges, and insights | Freeman, M.; O'Neil, R.; Garavelli, L.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wave | Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy | ||
Curtailment as a successful method for reducing bat mortality at a southern Australian wind farm | Bennett, E.; Florent, S.; Venosta, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Bats, Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy | |
RAPPORT D’ACTIVITÉ MR10 ANNÉE N+2 | MAZIERE, H.; LABORIE, J.; Pineaux, M.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Birds | ||
RAPPORT D’ACTIVITÉ MR9 Année N+1 | MAZIERE, H. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Birds | ||
Confirmation that eagle fatalities can be reduced by automated curtailment of wind turbines | McClure, C.; Rolek, B.; Dunn, L.; et al. | Journal Article | Collision | Birds, Raptors | ||
Boosting offshore wind skills for environmental professions | Munro, P.; Elliot, M.; Mazik, K.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Human Dimensions | ||
Future environmental scenarios for offshore wind expansion | Still, D.; Pacitto, S.; Miller, M.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | |||
A decade of underwater noise research in support of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive | Merchant, N.; Putland, R.; André, M.; et al. | Journal Article | Noise | Human Dimensions, Legal & Policy | ||
Water Power STEM Workforce Development | Cardinal, A. | Conference Paper | Marine Energy | Human Dimensions, Social & Economic Data | ||
Assessing the potential for offshore infrastructure as platforms for environmental monitoring | Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Human Dimensions | ||
Assessment of compensatory measures for impacts of offshore windfarms on seabirds | McGregor, R.; Trinder, M.; Goodship, N. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Birds, Seabirds, Human Dimensions | ||
Spatial assessment of benthic compensatory habitats for offshore wind farm impacts | Ward, O.; Aberson, M.; Kirby, D.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Habitat Change | Physical Environment, Human Dimensions | |
To study the effect on marine ecosystems of noise emitted by offshore wind farms during construction and operation phases, is it relevant to focus on a few species? | Henry, S.; Ceyrac, L.; Le Courtois, F.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Noise | ||
Can the development of offshore renewable energy projects and their shore connection have an effect on the evolution of the coastline? | Henry, S.; Cartier, A.; Duperrent, A.; et al. | Magazine Article | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Changes in Flow | Physical Environment, Sediment Transport | |
Passive Acoustic Telemetry as a Tool to Monitor the Baseline Presence and Persistence of Highly Migratory Fish Species in Popular Recreational Fishing Grounds within the Southern New England Wind Energy Area | Gervelis, B.; Kneebone, J. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Displacement | Fish, Pelagic Fish, Human Dimensions, Fisheries | |
Hornsea 2 Offshore Wind Farm | Ørsted; Siemens Gamesa | Project Site | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | |||
Powering Healthy Seas: Accelerating Nature Positive Offshore Wind | Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind | Collision, Displacement, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise | Birds, Seabirds, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions, Fisheries, Marine Spatial Planning | |
Impacts of wind turbines on vegetation and soil cover: a case study of Urla, Cesme, and Karaburun Peninsulas, Turkey | Aksoy, T.; Cetin, M.; Cabuk, S.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change | Birds, Physical Environment | |
Magnetic fields produced by subsea high-voltage direct current cables reduce swimming activity of haddock larvae (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | Cresci, A.; Durif, C.; Larsen, T.; et al. | Journal Article | Marine Energy, Wind Energy | EMF | Fish, Demersal Fish | |
Country-Specific Guidance Document: Spain | OES-Environmental | Report | Marine Energy | |||
North Sea crossing by Eurasian Curlew: Timing and routes of Curlew migration in relation to offshore wind developments | Collier, M.; Potts, P.; Hoodless, A.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Collision | Birds | |
NABat ML: Utilizing deep learning to enable crowdsourced development of automated, scalable solutions for documenting North American bat populations | Khalighifar, A.; Gotthold, B.; Adams, E.; et al. | Journal Article | Bats | |||
Suivi par acoustique passive du bruit ambiant et de la fréquentation des mammifères marins dans le cadre de la construction du parc éolien en mer de SaintNazaire: Phase de construction : Mesure de Suivi N°8 | Chompret, J.; Bellanger, J.; Clorennec, D. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
Bat responses to climate change: a systematic review | Festa, F.; Ancillotto, L.; Santini, L.; et al. | Journal Article | Bats | |||
Quantifying the land-based opportunity carbon costs of onshore wind farms | Albanito, F.; Roberts, S.; Shepherd, A.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change | Human Dimensions, Climate Change, Life Cycle Assessment | |
Regional representation of wind stakeholders’ end-of-life behaviors and their impact on wind blade circularity | Walzberg, J.; Cooperman, A.; Watts, L.; et al. | Journal Article | Wind Energy | Human Dimensions |
Displaying 1251 - 1300 of 10295