TY - JOUR TI - Climate change effects on marine renewable energy resources and environmental conditions for offshore aquaculture in Europe AU - Weiss, C AU - Menendez, M AU - Ondiviela, B AU - Guanche, R AU - Losada, I AU - Juanes, J T2 - ICES Journal of Marine Science AB - The development of the marine renewable energy and offshore aquaculture sectors is susceptible to being affected by climate change. Consequently, for the long-term planning of these activities, a holistic view on the effects of climate change on energy resources and environmental conditions is required. Based on present climate and future climate scenario, favourable conditions for wind and wave energy exploitation and for farming six marine fish species are assessed using a suitability index over all European regional seas. Regarding available energy potential, the estimated changes in climate do not have direct impacts on the geographic distribution of potential regions for the energy industry (both wind and wave based), that is they pose no threat to this industry. Long-term changes in environmental conditions could however require adaptation of the aquaculture sector and especially of its exploitation areas. Opportunities for aquaculture expansion of the assessed species are identified. Possibilities for co-location of these activities are observed in the different climate scenarios. The evaluation of potential zones for the exploitation of marine renewable energy resources and offshore aquaculture represents a stepping-stone, useful for improving decision-making and assisting in the management of marine economies both in the short-term and in the long-term development of these sectors. DA - 2020/12// PY - 2020 PB - Oxford Academic VL - 77 IS - 7-8 SP - 3168 EP - 3182 UR - https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa226/6000672 DO - 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa226 LA - English KW - Marine Energy KW - Ecosystem Processes KW - Human Dimensions KW - Climate Change ER -