TY - CONF TI - Influence of Blade Solidity on Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines AU - Jonson, M AU - Fahnline, J AU - Johnson, E AU - Barone, M AU - Fontaine, A T2 - InterNoise 2012 C1 - New York City, USA AB - Marine hydrokinetic (MHK) devices are currently being considered for the generation of electrical power in marine tidal regions. Turbulence generated in the boundary layers of these channels interacts with a turbine to excite the blades into lowto mid-frequency vibration. Additionally, the self-generated turbulent boundary layer on the turbine blade excites its trailing edge into vibration. Both of these hydrodynamic sources generate radiated noise. Being installed in a marine ecosystem, the noise generated by these MHK devices may affect the fish and marine mammal well-being. Since this MHK technology is relatively new, much of the design practice follows that from conventional horizontal axis wind turbines. In contrast to other underwater turbomachines like conventional merchant ships that have solid blades, wind turbine blades are made of hollow fiberglass composites. This paper systematically investigates the contrast of this design detail on the blade vibration and radiated noise for a particular MHK turbine design. DA - 2012/08// PY - 2012 SP - 8 UR - http://proceedings.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/proceeding.aspx?articleid=1737113 LA - English KW - Marine Energy KW - Noise ER -