TY - CONF TI - Wave Energy Ecological Effects Workshop: Ecological Assessment Briefing Paper AU - McMurray, G T2 - Wave Energy Ecological Effects C1 - Corvallis, Oregon, USA AB - The primary goal of the Wave Energy Ecological Effects Workshop consisted of:Developing an initial assessment of the potential impacting agents and ecological effects of wave energy development in Oregon’s coastal ocean; andDeveloping a general conceptual framework of physical and biological relationships that can be applied to assess both specific wave energy projects and cumulative effects of multiple projects.The workshop created a broad discussion concerning the potential ecological effects of harnessing wave energy. The current knowledge, information gaps, level of uncertainty, level of agreement, sense of priority of environmental issues, an assessment of the ability of the conceptual approach, and any recommended studies and monitoring parameters were all addressed. DA - 2007/10// PY - 2007 SP - 58 LA - English KW - Marine Energy KW - Wave ER -