TY - RPRT TI - Spatial study North Seas 2030 – offshore wind development AU - Royal Haskoning AB - This report describes the findings of a high-level study of these three main questions:1. How much energy will be produced by OWF in the North Seas by 2030? How does that compare with the ambitions set by individual countries and the EU? What does that mean for the required development of the associated infrastructure on a regional sea level (the grid)?2. What are the combined potential spatial conflicts and opportunities of the national plans on the regional sea scale? a) What are the potential spatial conflicts of OWF (and grid) with other marine uses (ecology, fisheries, military and shipping) on a regional seas scale? b) What opportunities exist at the regional level that can be exploited by the collaborating countries to successfully develop OWF?3. What are the conclusions and recommendations on a regional sea scale? What is needed to realise the possible solutions to potential spatial conflicts and capitalise on the opportunities? What parties, knowledge development, agreements, policy development and other requirements need to be put in place?This study was commissioned by the North Seas Energy Cooperation, Support Group 2 (Maritime spatial planning including the environmental subgroup). The results will feed into recommendations for North Seas energy ministers on collaboration opportunities to prevent future spatial obstacles in offshore wind farm development and stimulate knowledge exchange and development. CY - Netherlands DA - 2022/11// PY - 2022 SN - RHDHV-BI4271 UR - https://www.noordzeeloket.nl/@265275/spatial-study-north-seas-2030-offshore-wind/ LA - English KW - Wind Energy KW - Fixed Offshore Wind KW - Human Dimensions KW - Fisheries KW - Legal & Policy KW - Marine Spatial Planning KW - Navigation ER -