TY - RPRT TI - 10 Recommendations: How to improve Maritime Spatial Planning to reach European climate, energy and biodiversity targets AU - Offshore Coalition For Energy & Nature (OCEaN) AB - Oceans have an essential role for life on Earth, but they are in a poor condition and face increasing pressures from economic activities, climate change, acidification, eutrophication, overfishing and pollution. Decades of exploitation and weak and uncoordinated planning at sea have led to the situation we face today. In response, many countries around the world are transitioning towards a more sustainable and fair management of their marine environment – with the European Union leading the way thanks to its 2014 Directive establishing a framework for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP Directive).According to the MSP Directive, EU Member States must develop national Maritime Spatial Plans (MSPs) defining the possible uses of their marine space following an ecosystem-based approach. This Directive aims to keep the collective pressure of maritime activities within levels compatible with the achievement of Good Environmental Status (GES) of the sea.Offshore wind will play a central role in decarbonising our economy, helping the EU to meet its climate targets, and achieve energy independence. Since the first projects in the early 1990´s, actors from the offshore wind industry have incrementally engaged with relevant stakeholders to learn and ensure that offshore projects are developed in the most respectful manner in line with environment protection interests and applicable laws. Unleashing the full potential of offshore wind as a domestic clean energy source requires allocating adequate space for offshore wind and the electricity grid that supports it. The MSP process can help to identify the most suitable areas for wind and grid infrastructure with the aim of minimising environmental impacts of human activities at sea in parallel with the EIA and Habitats Directives. By resolving conflicts and regulating maritime activities, MSP can contribute significantly to the achievement of thriving marine ecosystems, while at the same time reducing delays in the deployment of renewable energy infrastructure and, ultimately, reaching clean energy independence.As laid out by the MSP Directive, Member States had to publish their Maritime Spatial Plans by 31 March 2021. While the majority of coastal Member States (MSs) have a plan in place, some plans are still in the preparatory phase. This makes it a good moment to assess and take stock of progress so far, identify positive steps taken, and identify weaknesses that must be improved in the future to ensure that all human activities at sea, including the development of offshore wind and grid infrastructure, contribute to the achievement of both our climate and biodiversity goals. DA - 2022/10// PY - 2022 SP - 12 LA - English KW - Wind Energy KW - Fixed Offshore Wind KW - Floating Offshore Wind KW - Human Dimensions KW - Marine Spatial Planning ER -