TY - JOUR TI - Blocking effects on mean ocean currents by offshore wind farm foundations AU - Carpenter, J AU - Guha, A T2 - Physical Review Fluids AB - The continued development of shallow continental shelf regions with offshore wind farm (OWF) structures raises the question of what potential hydrodynamic impacts may be expected. One such impact is a reduction in the ocean currents that results from the additional frictional drag from the turbine foundation structures. To understand this potential "blocking" effect, we construct a fluid mechanical model consisting of an idealized circular patch of OWF with increased friction. The idealized OWF is then subjected to a steady mean flow superimposed on much stronger elliptical tidal currents—a common scenario in shelf seas with OWF installations. Due to the quadratic dependence of friction on fluid velocity, the elliptical tidal currents result in a linearized friction acting on the mean flow that is no longer parallel to the mean flow. This "anisotropic" friction has the effect of deflecting, in addition to reducing, the mean flow in the region of the OWF. However, it is found that a good approximation to the reduction of flow caused by OWFs can be obtained by the simplest linear, isotropic representation of the friction, i.e., a linear drag law. The flow reduction within the OWFs is found to be primarily dependent on the ratio of the increase in drag coefficient inside the farm to that of the surroundings, with weaker dependencies on the parameters describing the tidal ellipse. The magnitudes of the flow reductions in the idealized model appear to be in approximate agreement with more realistic modeling results, and are expected to capture the basic balance of the mean flow in the blocking of ocean currents by many OWFs in the North Sea, especially with increasing size in future development scenarios. DA - 2024/10// PY - 2024 PB - American Physical Society (APS) VL - 9 IS - 10 SP - 103802 UR - https://journals.aps.org/prfluids/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.9.103802 LA - English KW - Wind Energy KW - Fixed Offshore Wind KW - Changes in Flow KW - Physical Environment ER -