TY - JOUR TI - Fisheries independent surveys in a new era of offshore wind energy development AU - Lipsky, A AU - Silva, A AU - Gilmour, F AU - Arjona, Y AU - Hogan, F AU - Lloret, J AU - Bolser, D AU - Haase, S AU - Oesterwind, D AU - ten Brink, T AU - Roach, M AU - Ford, K T2 - ICES Journal of Marine Science AB - Fisheries independent surveys require rethinking because of increasing spatial restrictions and interactions with offshore wind energy development (OWD). Fisheries, protected species, and environmental data collections have been conducted by scientific institutions to meet societal demands for food security, conservation, and other marine uses. These data collections provide information on key resource measures, essential for fisheries, protected species, and ecosystem management. With the increase in pace and magnitude of OWD's industrialization of marine waters, disruptions in these long-term time series can be expected. These disruptions will impact the ability to support current and future management goals and objectives. This paper presents an expert survey on the perceptions of OWD interactions with common survey designs and survey methodologies in Europe and the U.S., along with a selected sample of 75 fisheries independent surveys in the U.S. and Europe providing an initial assessment and description of potential impacts from OWD. About 72% of the surveys sampled record interactions with operational, planned or future OWD. Four case studies demonstrate efforts to address these interactions within European regions that have operational OWD and the U.S. where development has just begun. Finally, we make recommendations for future research important to continue meaningful scientific-based management advice. DA - 2024/05// PY - 2024 PB - Oxford Academic SP - fsae060 UR - https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/advance-article/doi/10.1093/icesjms/fsae060/7675681 DO - 10.1093/icesjms/fsae060 LA - English KW - Wind Energy KW - Fixed Offshore Wind KW - Human Dimensions KW - Fisheries ER -