TY - JOUR TI - Spatialized ecological network analysis for ecosystem-based management: effects of climate change, marine renewable energy, and fishing on ecosystem functioning in the Bay of Seine AU - Noguès, Q AU - Araignous, E AU - Bourdaud, P AU - Halouani, G AU - Raoux, A AU - Foucher, E AU - Loc'h, F AU - Loew-Turbout, F AU - Lasram, F AU - Dauvin, J AU - Niquil, N T2 - ICES Journal of Marine Science AB - Integrative and spatialized tools for studying the effects of a wide variety of ecosystem drivers are needed to implement ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning. We developed a tool for analyzing the direct and indirect effects of anthropic activities on the structure and functioning of coastal and marine ecosystems. Using innovative modelling techniques, we ran a spatially explicit model to carry out an ecological network analysis (ENA) of the effects of climate change (CC), of an offshore wind farm (OWF) and of multiple fishing scenarios on the Bay of Seine (eastern part of the English Channel) ecosystem. ENA indices described the effects of those different drivers in a holistic and spatial way. The spatial analysis of ecosystem properties revealed local and global patterns of modifications attributed to CC, while the OWF resulted in localized changes in the ecosystem. This ability of ENA indicators to detect human-induced changes in ecosystem functioning at various spatial scales allows for a more integrative view of the effects of human activities on ecosystems. ENA indices could be used to link both local and global ecosystem changes, for a more cross-scale approach to ecosystem management. DA - 2022/02// PY - 2022 PB - Oxford University Press UR - https://academic.oup.com/icesjms/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/icesjms/fsac026/6535870 DO - 10.1093/icesjms/fsac026 LA - English KW - Wind Energy KW - Fixed Offshore Wind KW - Ecosystem Processes KW - Human Dimensions KW - Climate Change KW - Fisheries ER -