TY - CONF TI - Proceedings of the 7th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop AU - University of Oxford T2 - 7th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop (OTE 2019) C1 - Oxford, UK AB - Monday 8th AprilSession 1: Device modelling and performance (1) 11:10 An adaptive 3D force distribution model for calculating interactions and power production in an array of vertical axis water turbines Vincent Clary (Université Grenoble Alpes) 3 11:35 Preliminary assessment of blade twist-deformation as a load relief mechanism for tidal turbine blades Federico Zilic de Arcos (University of Oxford) 5 12:00 Quantifying the downstream wake intensity and recovery of an axial flow hydrokinetic turbine through validated CFD models Chantel Niebuhr (University of Pretoria) 7 Poster Presentations 12:25 Large eddy simulation of tidal stream turbine arrays in environmentally realistic flows Pablo Ouro-Barba (Cardiff University) 12:30 Using 3D coastal tidal models to assess tidal array performance Mohammed Al Moghayer (Heriot-Watt University) 9 12:35 Optimising the income of a fleet of tidal lagoons Lucas Mackie (Imperial College) 11 Session 2: Environmental and resource modelling 14:00 Bathymetric features affecting turbine performance: Insights from a CFD model Merel Verbeek (TU Delft) 13 14:25 Agent-based modelling of fish collisions with tidal turbines Kate Rossington (HR Wallingford) 15 14:50 Empirical orthogonal functions for decoupling waves and turbulence in ADCP measurements Michael Togneri (Swansea University) 17 Session 3: Experimental testing 16:00 Characterising the FloWave facility for horizontal axis tidal turbine correlation Matt Edmunds (Swansea University) 19 16:25 Experimental study on interactions between two closely spaced rotors James McNaughton (University of Oxford) 2116:50 Hydrodynamics PTO and control design of a horizontal axis model turbine for experimental research Zohreh Sarchiloo, Mohammad Rafiei (CNR-INM) 23Tuesday 9th AprilSession 4: Floating platform dynamics9:25 The effects of surge motion on floating horizontal axis tidal turbines Mohamad Hasif bin Osman (University of Oxford) 259:50 Sensor fusion and motion modelling of a floating tidal stream turbine Thomas Lake (Swansea University) 2710:15 Validating a numerical model for assessing entire floating tidal systems Ed Ransley (Plymouth University) 29Session 5: Array modelling and control11:10 Theoretical prediction of the efficiency of very large turbine arrays: combined effects of local blockage and wake mixing Takafumi Nishino (University of Oxford) 31 11:35 Variations in the optimal design of a tidal stream turbine array with costs Zoe Goss (Imperial College) 33 12:00 A speed control strategy for parallel connected tidal turbines in an array using a variable ratio gearbox Simon Reynolds (University of Edinburgh) 35Session 6: Device modelling and performance (2)14:00 Blade-explicit fluid structure interaction of a ducted high-solidity tidal turbine Mitchell Borg (University of Strathclyde) 37 14:25 Analysis of unsteady loading of a tidal stream turbine with an actuator line RANS model Wei Kang (University of Manchester) 39 14:50 Numerical modelling of a vertical-axis cross-flow turbine Ruiwen Zhao (University of Edinburgh) 41 DA - 2019/04// PY - 2019 SP - 46 UR - https://eng.ox.ac.uk/efm/research/tidal-energy/tidal-energy-workshops/ LA - English KW - Marine Energy KW - Tidal ER -