TY - CONF TI - Proceedings of the 5th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop AU - University of Oxford T2 - 5th Oxford Tidal Energy Workshop (OTE 2016) C1 - Oxford, UK AB - Monday 21st MarchSession 1: Basin Modelling11:10 Power Potential of Tidal Fences in the Bristol Channel Guy Houlsby (University of Oxford) 4 11:35 Observations of Waves at Tidal-stream Energy Sites Matt Lewis (Bangor University) 6 12:00 Numerical Modelling of Two-scale Flow Dynamics Paul Bonar (University of Edinburgh) 8 Poster Presentations (1) 12:25 Examining the Limitation of Depth Averaged Models for Assessing the Interaction of Tidal Energy Extraction and Tidal Flow Alice Goward Brown (Bangor University) 10 12:30 Coupling of BEM-CFD and Coastal Area Models for Assessment of Tidal Stream Turbine Impacts at Regional Scales Matt Edmunds (Swansea University) 12 Session 2: Wake characteristics and turbulence (1) 14:00 Fast optimization of tidal stream turbine positions for power generation in small arrays with low blockage based on superposition of self-similar far-wake velocity deficit profiles Peter Stansby (University of Manchester) 14 14:25 Wake Characteristics of a Scaled Tidal Rotor with Monopile Support Structure for Co-located Wind and Tidal Farms David Lande-Sudall (University of Manchester) 16 14:50 Tidal Turbine Wake Analysis using Vessel- and Seabed-mounted ADCPs James McNaughton (GE Renewables) 18 Poster Presentations (2) 15:15 Impacts of Various Floating Platforms on FOWT System Yuanchuan Liu (University of Strathclyde) 20 15:20 RANS-VOF Modelling of Floating Tidal Streams Systems Edward Ransley (Plymouth University) 22 15:25 Evaluating Passive Structural Control of Tidal Turbines Song Fu (University of Strathclyde) 24 Session 3: Turbine Design and Performance (1) 16:00 Unsteady Tidal Turbine Blade Loading; an Analytical Approach Gabriel Scarlett (University of Edinburgh) 26 16:25 Unsteady Hydrodynamics of Flexible Submerged Foils Ignazio Maria Viola (University of Edinburgh) 28 16:50 Harvesting Energy from a Flexible Flapping Membrane in a Uniform Flow Qing Xiao (University of Strathclyde) 30 Tuesday 22nd March Session 4: Turbine Design and Performance (2) 9:25 Adjustable Camber for Extended Fatigue Life Anna Young (University of Cambridge) 32 9:50 Tidal Turbine Blade Design from a Fatigue Point of View Vesna Jaksic (University College, Cork) 34 10:15 Performance and Interaction of Short Fences of Tidal Turbines Richard Willden (University of Oxford) 36 Session 5: Wake characteristics and turbulence (2) 11:10 Tidal Turbine Wake Simulation using a High-order Weakly-compressible Cartesian Finite Volume Solver Baptiste Elie (EC Nantes) 38 11:35 A Comparison of Synthetic Turbulence Generation Methods Michael Togneri (Swansea University) 40 12:00 Impact of the Free Surface Proximity on the Performance of a Single Tidal Stream Turbine: A Vortex Filament Approach Georgios Deskos (Imperial College) 42 Poster Presentations (3) 12:25 A BEMT Model for a High Solidity, Hubless and Ducted Tidal Stream Turbine Steve Allsop (IDCORE) 44 12:30 Tidal Turbine Wake Asymmetry due to Wake-Seabed Interactions Lada Murdoch (CFD People Ltd.) 46 Session 6: Turbine Design and Performance (3) 14:00 Experimental Study of the Boundary Conditions on an Undulating Membrane Tidal Energy Converter Martin Träsch (ADEME) 48 14:25 Unsteady Load Relief of an Axial Flow Tidal Turbine in Sheared Flow by Individual Pitch Control Jianxin Hu (University of Oxford) 50 14:50 Large-Eddy Simulation of Tidal Turbines Using the Immersed Boundary Method Pablo Ouro (Cardiff University) 52 DA - 2016/03// PY - 2016 SP - 56 UR - https://eng.ox.ac.uk/efm/research/tidal-energy/tidal-energy-workshops/ LA - English KW - Marine Energy KW - Tidal ER -