@techreport{Vanaverbeke-2019-902, author = {Vanaverbeke, J and Coolen, J and Harrald, M and Culloch, R and Tait, A and Rumes, B and Sparling, C and Wright, K and Murray, R and Evans, T and Hunt, W and Gill, A and Hutchison, Z and Buyse, J and Brabant, R and Bald, J and Wood, D and Warnas, M and Salvany, L}, title = {Working Group on Marine Benthal Renewable Developments}, institution = {International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)}, year = {2019}, month = {jan}, number = {550297}, url = {https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/550297}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave}, }