@article{Zburlea-2021-898177, author = {Zburlea, L and Rusu, E}, title = {An Evaluation of the Potential Impact of Extracting Marine Renewable Energy in the Coastal Environment of the Black Sea}, journal = {Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis}, year = {2021}, month = {apr}, volume = {1}, pages = {11--19}, url = {https://www.proquest.com/openview/6373252cb17148689a9115067832a0b9/1?cbl=2028910&pq-origsite=gscholar&parentSessionId=5rWzOImGGyUHMTinnT14X3qC3ULYXruGH63%2BvvDDu4w%3D}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Tidal, Wave, Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Changes in Flow, Collision, EMF, Habitat Change, Noise, Birds, Fish, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment}, }