@article{Whitton-2020-8207, author = {Whitton, T and Jackson, S and Hiddink, J and Scoulding, B and Bowers, D and Powell, B and Jackson, T and Gimenez, L and Davies, A}, title = {Vertical migrations of fish schools determine overlap with a mobile tidal stream marine renewable energy device}, journal = {Journal of Applied Ecology}, year = {2020}, month = {apr}, publisher = {British Ecological Society}, volume = {57}, number = {4}, pages = {729--741}, doi = {10.1111/1365-2664.13582}, url = {https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2664.13582}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Tidal, Fish, Pelagic Fish}, }