@conference{Kavanagh-2011-802, author = {Kavanagh, P and Fielding, M and Scally, L and Berrow, S and Hunt, J and Kennedy, B}, title = {Environmental Aspects of Developing Ireland’s Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS)}, year = {2011}, month = {sep}, series = {9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2011)}, address = {Southampton, UK}, publisher = {European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Simon_Berrow/publication/258883533_Environmental_Aspects_of_Developing_Ireland's_Atlantic_Marine_Energy_Test_Site_AMETS/links/0046352951847673ce000000/Environmental-Aspects-of-Developing-Irelands-Atlantic-Marine-Energy}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Wave, Birds, Marine Mammals}, }