@techreport{Kenter-2014-753, author = {Kenter, J and Reed, M and Irvine, K and O'Brien, L and Brady, E and Bryce, R and Christie, M and Church, A and Cooper, N and Davies, A and Evely, A and Everard, M and Fazey, I and Hockley, N and Jobstvogt, N and Molloy, C and Orchard-Webb, J and Ravenscroft, N and Ryan, M and Watson, V}, title = {The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on. Work package Report 6: shared, plural and cultural values of ecosystems}, institution = {University of Aberdeen}, year = {2014}, month = {jan}, url = {https://research.edgehill.ac.uk/ws/files/20063797/UKNEAFO%20WP6_FinalReport.pdf}, keywords = {Marine Energy, Wind Energy, Human Dimensions, Environmental Justice, Social & Economic Data}, }