@conference{Joslin-2019-595, author = {Joslin, J and Cotter, E and Murphy, P and Gibbs, P and Cavagnaro, R and Crisp, C and Stewart, A and Polagye, B and Cross, P and Hjetland, E and Rocheleau, A and Waters, B}, title = {The wave-powered adaptable monitoring package: hardware design, installation, and deployment}, year = {2019}, month = {aug}, series = {12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2017)}, address = {Cork, Ireland}, url = {https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5aa9f94e5ffd209c73921fa3/t/5d8705c6d4e8684cb883343a/1569129928565/EWTEC2019_1528_Joslin_April.pdf}, keywords = {Marine Energy}, }